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Wilmington, DE: Over the past week, we all have seen the divide between law enforcement and the community continue to grow across the country! However, here in the city they call "Murdertown, USA" one Delaware Probation and Parole Officer is seeking to prevent that divide. When Senior Probation Officer Amy Shannon left her home on Monday to go on duty, she didn't just take her badge and gun, she came armed with a box of books, and a thoughtful heart. As Shannon and her partner Sam Ford began riding through neighborhoods and conducting home visits in the high crime area, they also conducted field visits with the children. Throughout their tour, if Shannon saw children out and about she would stop and talk to the children. Shannon then lets them pick from her treasure chest of books. Ford recalls that the kids were, "thrilled" with their new books and activity books. These books weren't a tax write off or designed as part of "community outreach" program, this was simply an officer, who wanted to give back to her community! The best part about Shannon's actions were there were no video cameras present, no press or media, and this was not planned for publicity. The only pictures taken were on the cell phone of Officer Ford, and will serve as a reminder of the good we truly do as law enforcement officers!    

Recent Lodge News

Media Release

FOP Lodge 10 proudly supports the courageous men and women serving as Delaware Probation Officers. On behalf of our members, we find it necessary to respond to the recent news

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