Top Row: SPO Erik Forry & SPO Melissa Harris, Bottom Row: SPO William (Bill) Lux DOVER, Delaware: On August 14, 2015, Senior Probation Officers William (Bill) Lux, Melissa Harris & Erik Forry of the Sussex Electronic Monitoring Unit, assisted by officers from the Kent County Governor's Task Force, recovered 523 Grams (1.2 Pounds) of marijuana. SPO Lux, was monitoring the offender involved for a 2014 conviction for trafficking marijuana. SPO Lux observed that his offender, who was wearing a GPS tracker, was making weekly trips from Sussex County to Wilmington. On the morning of August 14, 2015, SPO Lux checked GPS and observed that the offender was headed for Wilmington, again. SPOs Lux, Forry and Harris obtained approval to conduct surveillance and an administrative probation search of the probationer's vehicle. These officers drove to New Castle County and used GPS software on a mobile laptop to track and follow the offender in the City of Wilmington. These officers then initiated physical surveillance of offender as he was returning to Sussex County via the I-95 and State Route 1. On the return trip the probation officers coordinated a traffic stop of the offender with the Kent County Governor’s Task Force and Delaware State Police. After Troopers stopped the offender, Delaware Probation Officers conducted an administrative search of the offender's vehicle. During the search probation located two vacuum sealed bags containing a total of 523 grams (1.15 Pounds) of Marijuana. The offender was immediately taken into custody and charged with Violation of Probation, Possession With Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance with Aggravating Factors and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. On August 28, 2015, the offender involved pleaded guilty to Drug Dealing with Aggravating Factors at Kent County Superior Court and was sentenced to 2 years in prison, followed by 1 year of intensive supervised probation. Well done officers!