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The 2nd Annual Jeepers Back the Blue Ride was held this past weekend and turned out to be a huge success. We here at probation are always proud of the great work our officers do in the community; on duty or not! In this case, we are so proud to recognize Brother Jeff Lehnert who was instrumental in putting this event together, as well as the many brothers and sisters who gave up their time to volunteer and help work the event. In the end, Lehnert and our fellow members helped to raise over $21,000 that will go to fallen officers' families as well as the FOP Scholarship Fund! Thanks to all for your hard work and dedication to the FOP and for upholding our tradition of excellence! Below is a link to full WDEL article

Recent Lodge News

Media Release

FOP Lodge 10 proudly supports the courageous men and women serving as Delaware Probation Officers. On behalf of our members, we find it necessary to respond to the recent news

Sussex Officers Make Big Arrest

Bridgeville- Delaware Probation and Parole and Delaware State Police have arrested 49-year-old Calvin L. Allen, an active probationer, for drug and traffic charges following a